About CPYD

The Communities for Positive Youth Development (CPYD) Coalition was formed in May 2014 in response to increased community concern about underage drinking and opioid use. What began as a town hall meeting, has grown into an unstoppable force of over 70 community partners.
The mission of the CYPD Coalition is “to organize, educate, and engage the community to prevent youth substance use and other harmful behaviors and to promote recovery-oriented systems of care across the lifespan.”
The coalition is made up of individuals and organizations who are key stakeholders in supporting the full continuum of care (prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery) and their related support services in Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates, Elk Grove Village, Hanover Park, and Palatine.
In addition to youth from local high schools, parents, and persons with lived experience who reside in our community, our current membership (coalition and its subcommittees) includes the following organizations and individuals:
Click here for a full listing of our Members
Interested in joining? Please email us at cpydcoalition1@gmail.com.
Our Approach
The community coalition model is an evidence-based strategy to address public health issues through coordinated efforts. By using local data and a strategic planning process that is inclusive of all partners, especially youth and persons with lived experience, the coalition operates from a comprehensive strategic plan to coordinate prevention, intervention, and recovery support services across for youth and the community as a whole.

Executive Committee
Data and Strategic Planning Subcommittee
Positive Youth Development Subcommittee serving Elk Grove Township
Positive Youth Development Subcommittee serving Hanover Park Township
North Suburban Pride Network
Youth Advocates for Change serving District 211 Community
Elk Grove High School Youth Advisory Council
Rainbow Room Youth Advisory Council LGBTQ+ youth and allies
Lake Park High School Youth Advisory Council