We are thrilled to report that 100% of the schools serving 8th-12th grade students in Schaumburg, Hoffman Estates, and Palatine have registered to administer the IYS!
The IYS is a free, anonymous, and optional survey intended to gather valuable information about the use of gateway substances and other drugs, violence, bullying, depression, and other health and social indicators.
We couldn’t have done it without our community partners who advocated for school districts 15, 54, and 211 to participate in 2020. So, thank you!
The CPYD Coalition depends on the data provided by the IYS results for grant funding, program improvement, and strategic planning. The next step is to make sure that surveys are completed with high validity rates, with the goal being at least 70%. By encouraging schools to follow the survey instructions and proctor guidelines, we can meet this ambitious goal! KYC Staff will also offer in-school support and resources to each school to help ensure that administering the IYS is as seamless as possible.
For a summary of the 2018 IYS results, please click here
If you would like to learn more, contact coalition staff or visit https://iys.cprd.illinois.edu/.