While the social distancing guidelines and stay at home directives are in place, many people have found that now is a great time to get some spring cleaning done! See below for some tips on how to get organized and stay safe.
Don’t take on too much at once. Choose one room or one closet each day and before you know it, you’ll have a brand-new space!
Create 3 piles when organizing: Keep, Donate, and Trash. Now is a great time to donate! Consider donating an object or article of clothing you haven’t used in over a year. A lot of services are in need of these items as well as food, toiletry, and personal protective equipment!
Make sure all your medications are in a safe location. This means somewhere that is out of reach from kids and preferably locked. If you find any unused or old medications it is best to take them to drop-off boxes. This reduces harm both in use by others and harm to the environment. Click here for locations, hours and to find drug take back boxes.
Unfortunately, while social distancing guidelines are in place, the National Drug Take Back day scheduled for April 25th has been postponed. However, you can still bring your unused medications to the drop boxes at the Schaumburg and Elk Grove Police Departments at any time.
4. Use household cleaners and disinfectants to wipe high-touch surfaces like light switches, door knobs, handles, remotes, and electronic devices.
5. Focus on those hard to see areas like the corners of the floor and above the door jams or and any horizontal surfaces.
Remember to take it slow, take breaks and break up the tasks into smaller more manageable chunks. Before you know it, you will be able to sit back and be proud of your accomplishment.
DO NOT share medications or use old ones. Going to the doctor and pharmacy are considered “essential” activities during the stay at home order so if you need medication, call your doctor to get a prescription filled.
For more information about Drug Take Back and a list of locations near the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago visit www.cpydcoalition.org/drug-take-back

Make sure to follow CPYD Coalition on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for more safe medication practice tips and other news!