
Did you know? If someone is living with HIV and has achieved and maintained an undetectable *viral load, they cannot pass it on to a sexual partner!
Did you know, If someone is living with HIV and has achieved and maintained an undetectable *viral load, they cannot pass it on to a sexual partner? Yes, that is correct! Many years of research have proven that an individual who has been diagnosed with HIV and has been using Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) as prescribed, cannot transmit the virus sexually. Many health organizations and HIV/AIDS prevention initiatives are spreading the word about the U=U (Undetectable=Untransmittable) campaign to raise awareness. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:
How does someone know if their viral loads are undetected?
Access to testing and an established relationship with a health care provider are essential. The provider will be able to conduct regular testing to determine viral loads and discuss ways to stay healthy and safe while living with HIV.
Does this mean, individuals who have an undetectable status do not have to use condoms during sex?
It’s their decision! However, it’s important to have regular, candid, and honest conversations about sexual health and the risks of unprotected sex with sexual partners. It’s always best practice to use barrier methods such as condoms or dental dams each and every time individuals have sex. It’s expected that individuals living with HIV (who want to maintain an undetectable status) should continue ART therapy, get tested every 3 months, and encourage their partners to take PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis).
What is PrEP?
Pre-exposure prophylaxis is an HIV prevention method that allows individuals who do not have HIV to reduce their risk of developing HIV if they believe they may be exposed to the virus. The PrEP medication is highly effective at preventing HIV, and using PrEP in addition to barrier methods such as condoms or dental dams during sex can significantly reduce their chances of developing HIV.
Early detection will assist in reaching the goal of Zero.
Kenneth Young Center in collaboration with Open Door offers Free Rapid HIV testing the second Thursday of every month at :
Kenneth Young Center (Algonquin Road Office)
650 E. Algonquin Rd ste 104
Schaumburg, IL 60173.
From 6:00p-8:00p