Youth Leadership &
Volunteer Opportunities
The Youth Advisory Councils (YAC) are subcommittee of the Communities for Positive Youth Development (CPYD) Coalition.
YAC membership is made up of high school students that live or attend school in the community and are interested in taking a leadership role in creating positive youth development in their community. YAC meets regularly August-May and is led by youth and supported by adults.
We currently host 4 different Youth Advisory Councils across our service areas. To find more information about the YAC in your area, send us an email at and we’ll get back to you.
Youth Advocates for Change serving District 211
Elk Grove High School Youth Advisory Council
LGBTQ+ Rainbow Room High School Youth Advisory Council
Lake Park High School Youth Advocates for Change
Roles & Responsibilities:
Work with coalition staff to engage in a planning process to identify and address issues in the community that influence positive youth development
Work with coalition staff, Chair, Executive Committee, and sub-committees to identify ways in which youth’s perspective can be included in the decisions and activities of the coalition
Work to ensure a diverse youth perspective and engagement.
Design local communication campaigns
Develop and maintain committee social media accounts
Collaborate with adult advisor to provide direction to the committee
Develop meeting agendas with staff
Collaborate with other YACs for ideas and activities during National Prevention Week
